The word Banquet is derived from a French word which means mass or gathering of people. Banquets have their roots in the tradition of providing feasts for a visiting monarch or host. These feasts were often ceremonial laden with loads of appetising food and plenty of drinks.

HOSPITALITY SUPPLIES INTERNATIONAL has been pioneers in supplying banquet furniture, trolleys, table tops and buffet decorations for years. With extensive knowledge and know-how we provide creative suggestions and cost saving methods for formal functions such as Meetings, Conferences, Exhibitions and for Informal Functions such as Parties, Weddings, Events, Birthday Parties, Cocktail Parties, Theme Parties and for Outdoors.

Almost every large sized hotel has a banquet facility. This is provided keeping in mind the maximum revenue the hotel can generate from the sale of that particular food and drink. These banquets serve a large number of guests and are designed for multifunctional purposes. The various occasions range from weddings, dinner-dances, cocktail parties, anniversaries to private and official luncheon parties, seminars, conferences, exhibitions and fashion shows.

In large hotel banquets fall under the purview of the food and beverage manager. He will take into account the purpose of the gathering and the number of people attending and see to it that the necessary arrangements will be made. These large halls can often be divided into smaller halls for the purpose of the function. The employees of the banquet have different roles and stand at various positions in the organizational hierarchy. These employees perform different tasks as the function demands.

Products in our Banquets and Conference section are Dance Floor, Stage, Podium, Tables, Chairs, Table Trolleys, Plate Trolleys, Glass Racks, Glass Rack Trolleys, Felt Cloth, Skirtings, Injected Mould Skirting Clips, Moltons, Coffee Urns, Juice Dispensers, Chafing Dishes, Show Plates, Coffee Break Trolleys. We provide Table Linens to service 3, 4 & 5 Star Hotels & Palaces. Organza Fabrics, Dazzle Fabrics, Stretch Fabric, Pin Tuck Fabric, Chair Covers/Runners/Red Carpet and Barricades are among these.